Intro to NSC
Welcome to Northbridge Sailing Club. We are a local Not for Profit community-based club for sailors of all ages and abilities.
We offer regular weekend sailing and races, plus learn-to-sail courses and other on-water and social activities. We have a particular focus on sailing as a family- based sport that can be enjoyed for life. Our junior sailing has both boys and girls competing on equal terms and our enthusiastic young instructors have nearly all learnt to sail at Northbridge.
The volunteer basis of our club encourages a community that cares and respects others. To find out more, contact us here.
Main events for the 2024-25 sesason:
- Learn to Sail for children, families and adults - become a member and enrol here Enquires welcome. Email
- If you already know how to sail or graduated from our Learn to Sail programs, we are adding an additional program of fun racing and social sailing in our club boats this season
- Dinghy races are held throughout the sailing season from the beginning of September through to Easter.
- Our Sailing Calendar can be viewed here
- Our orientation for new members is available here